If you ever need to return your WordPress website to its default settings, the configuration it had when you first installed it, this article is for you.
When utilizing a new theme, you may occasionally import demo data to better understand how it functions.
However, once you are done, you may decide to design your website from scratch without using the demo data.
The intent behind producing this tutorial was to help you in situations like this, where you might want to revert to a brand-new WordPress installation.
Before reset…

After reset…

Step-by-step Instructions
1. Install the WP Reset – Most Advanced WordPress Reset Tool by going to the WordPress plugin directory.

2. Click on the Tools – WP Reset link in the dialogue box displayed or on the “WP Reset” tab under the Tools tab on the left-sided sidebar.

3. Of the 3 reset options, the Site Reset is the only free one, and thankfully, that’s what is needed in the majority of cases.

4. Scroll down to the Site Reset box and choose whether to reactivate the current theme, the WP reset plugin itself, and/or other active plugins.
Customize this as you desire.

5. Afterwards, type reset in the space provided and click on the Reset Site button.

6. Click on the Reset Site button on the dialogue box displayed to confirm the request and initiate the reset process.

7. Your site is now successfully reset to default settings.

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